LEVEL UP 2023 feels like it was just yesterday and already LEVEL UP 2024 is just around the corner. So get out your calendars and mark the date: June 29-30, 2024 Until then, we'll continue to reminisce and, together with your feedback, prepare an unforgettable experience for LEVEL UP ... Read more

Emmi and gaming are a perfect match. With a Creator Competition in 2022, Emmi gave a creator the opportunity to turn his or her hobby into a career. From over 600 applicants and registrations Sahra aka. xxSilberfuchs has succeeded to realize her dream in the end. Read more

In just one week, Salzburg's gaming and eSports festival LEVEL UP opens its doors for the third time to celebrate gaming and bring gamers, fans and families together for two days in a casual atmosphere. Tickets are available at level-salzburg.at or directly at the event. Read more

LEVEL UP is approaching with giant steps. In just one month, the gaming festival will open its doors to gamers and interested visitors for the third time. What can be discovered this year at Austria's largest gaming and eSports festival and what new highlights await the visitors can be found here. Read more

The E-Sport School League association brings video games to the stage in a professional format for students. This year, the final of the Salzburg regional championship in Valorant, a computer game from the genre of online tactical shooters, will take place at LEVEL UP. The prize pool for the tournament is €4500. Read more

LEVEL UP - The Gaming Festival reveals first details of the program and line-up of its third edition. Who is returning? Which new highlights will be there? Here you can read up on all the available infos. Read more

LEVEL UP - The Gaming & eSports Festival filled the Messezentrum Salzburg on July 1 and 2. Visitors of all age groups came together to celebrate video games, virtual worlds and real friendships. Gaming and eSports have arrived at the center of the mainstream. Video games, gaming streamers and YouTubers are competing with traditional broadcasting stations. Instead of movie nights, people meet online to ... Read more

Day 2 of LEVEL UP was also a complete success. On the main stage, the excitement continued with cosplay, Rocket League, Red Bull Solo Q and CS:GO, and visitors could also try out numerous games in the gaming zone. These are the first impressions from the second day of the festival! Read more

Nach dem erfolgreichen Debüt im Sommer 2021 geht LEVEL UP in genau einer Woche, von 1. bis 2. Juli 2022, in die zweite Runde. Dann können Spieler, Technik-Interessierte und eSports-Fans im Messezentrum Salzburg die Welt der Videospiele über zwei Tage lang und auf über 20.000 Quadratmetern erleben. Tickets sind erhältlich auf levelup-salzburg.at oder an der … Read more

Salzburgs Gaming & eSports Festival präsentiert LEVEL UP NFTs und verbindet, als Pionier in der Eventbranche, digitale Kunst mit Nutzen in der realen Welt. Blockchain und NFTs sind ein essenzieller Teil der voranschreitenden Digitalisierung. Das zweitägige Gaming- & eSports-Festival LEVEL UP steigt nun als eines der ersten Events in Österreich in diesen Markt ein. Neben … Read more