After a successful debut in the summer of 2021 and a tripling of attendance in its second year, LEVEL UP will enter its third round July 1-2, 2023. Tickets are available now at .

What can visitors expect at LEVEL UP in 2023?
As in 2022, the Gaming & eSports Festival will be held in Hall 10 of the Messezentrum Salzburg. Last year's success shows that the program was very well received by the community, which is why we can expect similar program items this year as well. This includes well-known areas as well as the popular mainstage tournaments. While the entire program will be released piece by piece in the coming months, the following highlights are already announced:
the high class Rocket League tournament Morekats Mayhem
the virtual reality-based Icarace
Cosplay Action in cooperation with Animix
a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament - more info soon on all LEVEL UP channels!
various tabletop & card game tournaments in cooperation with Gamers Finest Salzburg, including Alpine Cup 40k GT, Age of Sigmar and Magic: The Gathering
a drone championship
Since the festival falls on a Saturday and Sunday this year, visitors of legal age can also look forward to an afterparty.

What is special about LEVEL UP in 2023
The gaming and eSports festival is once again particularly family-friendly this year: all visitors under the age of 16 pay a reduced price, and all under 12 visit LEVEL UP completely free of charge.
For our eSports pros of tomorrow, for the next generation of IT professionals, for all mommies and daddies.
What's next?
Get your tickets, mark July 1 and 2 in your calendar and become part of the community on Twitter and Instagram.
Tickets are now available here .